Assistant Professor
Mohammad Abuoudeh

Curriculum Vitae
  • Major: Linguistics - Phonetics
  • College: College of Arts
  • Department(s): English Language and Literature Department
  • E-mail:
  • Phone No.: 7448/ 96232179000 +

L'impact des variations temporelles intrinsèques et extrinsèques de la voyelle sur la relation consonne-voyelle : Étude translinguistique sur l'arabe jordanien et le français
  • Research Summary
  • This aims at examining the different spectral variations that are produced by two types of vowel time variations : phonological vowel length opposition and differing speaking rates. Two experiments on Jordanian Arabic and on French were conducted to investigate this phenomenon. We were interested in stop consonants produced in the initial position in CVC sequences. Vowel duration and the frequency of the first three formants were measured for each vowel length / speech rate. In addition, locus equations were computed to measure the impact of time variations on CV coarticulation.According to our results, it seems that both vowel length opposition and speaking rates had an impact on consonant and voyelle quality as well as on CV coarticulation. For the two time variation types, when the time decreases (more coarticulation overlap) locus equation slopes tend to have higher values.
  • Research link
  • key words
    vowel length, speaking rate, formant transitions, Jordanian Arabic, French.
Vowel length impact on locus equation parameters : An investigation on Jordanian Arabic
  • Research Summary
  • Investigations of changes in speech rate and speaking style have reported that locus equation parameters are sensible to temporal variation though they usually do not evidence any major impact on place of articulation classification. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of vowel length contrasts on locus equation parameters in Jordanian Arabic (JA) speech production in order to study the influence of intrinsic temporal changes (vowel length contrasts) on locus equation parameters. Statistical analyses of slopes and intercepts show that the locus equation parameters of a consonant produced with long vowels are significantly different from those of the same consonant produced with short vowels. Though this obsevation confirms the impact of time variations on locus equations, further analyses will need to address issues related to the potential impact of duration-related spectral modifications and the role these changes may play on the perceptual categorization of consonantal place of articulation.
  • Research link
  • key words
    : coarticulation, formant transitions, vowel length, locus equations, Jordanian Arabic.
Équations de locus et temporalité de la parole : Une étude de l'impact de la durée vocalique sur les paramètres des équations de locus en Arabe Jordanien
  • Research Summary
  • Locus equations are a model of Consonant-Vowel relationships based on an abstraction of the temporal dimension of speech. They focus on the relation between acoustic frequencies issued from two speech “segments”. In this communiation, we argue that this hypothesis is erroneous and provide data from an experiment in which the importance of the time dimension on the computation of locus equations was investigated. We have recorded Consonant-Vowel sequences produced in a fixed setence context by 4 Jordanian Arabic speakers and compared locus equations parameters between long and short vowels for 5 unvoiced stops. According to our analyses, there is a significant impact of vowel length on locus equations, which provides arguments against the non-continuous bases of locus equations parameters in terms of place of articulation, though more thouroughfull analyses are needed in order to get a better understanding of these effects.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Formant transitions, locus equations, vowel duration, Jordanian Arabic.
L'impact des variations temporelles intrinsèques et extrinsèques de la voyelle sur la relation consonne-voyelle : Étude translinguistique sur l'arabe jordanien et le français
  • Research Summary
  • This aims at examining the different spectral variations that are produced by two types of vowel time variations : phonological vowel length opposition and differing speaking rates. Two experiments on Jordanian Arabic and on French were conducted to investigate this phenomenon. We were interested in stop consonants produced in the initial position in CVC sequences. Vowel duration and the frequency of the first three formants were measured for each vowel length / speech rate. In addition, locus equations were computed to measure the impact of time variations on CV coarticulation.According to our results, it seems that both vowel length opposition and speaking rates had an impact on consonant and voyelle quality as well as on CV coarticulation. For the two time variation types, when the time decreases (more coarticulation overlap) locus equation slopes tend to have higher values.
  • Research link
  • key words
    vowel length, speaking rate, formant transitions, Jordanian Arabic, French.
Vowel length impact on locus equation parameters : An investigation on Jordanian Arabic
  • Research Summary
  • Investigations of changes in speech rate and speaking style have reported that locus equation parameters are sensible to temporal variation though they usually do not evidence any major impact on place of articulation classification. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of vowel length contrasts on locus equation parameters in Jordanian Arabic (JA) speech production in order to study the influence of intrinsic temporal changes (vowel length contrasts) on locus equation parameters. Statistical analyses of slopes and intercepts show that the locus equation parameters of a consonant produced with long vowels are significantly different from those of the same consonant produced with short vowels. Though this obsevation confirms the impact of time variations on locus equations, further analyses will need to address issues related to the potential impact of duration-related spectral modifications and the role these changes may play on the perceptual categorization of consonantal place of articulation.
  • Research link
  • key words
    : coarticulation, formant transitions, vowel length, locus equations, Jordanian Arabic.
Équations de locus et temporalité de la parole : Une étude de l'impact de la durée vocalique sur les paramètres des équations de locus en Arabe Jordanien
  • Research Summary
  • Locus equations are a model of Consonant-Vowel relationships based on an abstraction of the temporal dimension of speech. They focus on the relation between acoustic frequencies issued from two speech “segments”. In this communiation, we argue that this hypothesis is erroneous and provide data from an experiment in which the importance of the time dimension on the computation of locus equations was investigated. We have recorded Consonant-Vowel sequences produced in a fixed setence context by 4 Jordanian Arabic speakers and compared locus equations parameters between long and short vowels for 5 unvoiced stops. According to our analyses, there is a significant impact of vowel length on locus equations, which provides arguments against the non-continuous bases of locus equations parameters in terms of place of articulation, though more thouroughfull analyses are needed in order to get a better understanding of these effects.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Formant transitions, locus equations, vowel duration, Jordanian Arabic.
L’influence des variations de débit de parole sur les informations temporelles et spectrales associées à la longueur vocalique en arabe jordanien.
  • Research Summary
  • L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner l'influence de deux types de variations temporelles vocaliques sur les informations spectrales lorsqu'ils se réunissent dans un même contexte. Pour ce faire, deux locuteurs de l'arabe jordanien ont produit des séquences CVC avec des voyelles longues et courtes dans trois débits différents (lent, moyen et rapide). Les résultats indiquent que les changements de débit de parole conduisent à des chevauchements temporels entre la durée des voyelles longues et courtes. De plus, un chevau-chement spectral important est remarqué dans le plan F1-F2 et il est maximum quand les voyelles longues et courtes sont réalisées dans le débit ra-pide. Ces résultats laissent suggérer que les modifications spectrales provo-quées par les changements temporels extrinsèques engendrent des difficultés de discrimination et potentiellement de perception entre les voyelles longues et courtes.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Variations temporelles, Arabe jordanien, Débit de parole, Longueur vocalique

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