Prof. Dr. Marwan Batiha

Curriculum Vitae
  • Major: Chemical Engineering/ Reaction Engineering & Process Control
  • College: College of Engineering
  • Department(s): Chemical Engineering Department
  • E-mail:

الأستاذ الدكتور مروان بطيحة مواليد الصريح / الأردن عام 1969 ، حصل على درجة الدكتوراة مع مرتبة الشرف في الهندسة الكيميائية (هندسة التفاعلات والتحكم بالعمليات) من جامعة إيفانوفا الحكومية للكيمياء والتكنولوجيا في روسيا الإتحادية عام 1997 . عمل محاضرا متفرغا وأستاذا مساعدا ومشاركا في جامعة جرش الأهلية في الفترة (1998-2007)  ورئيسا لقسم العلوم (2003-2006) وعميدا للبحث العلمي بالانابة (2007). 
في شهر أيلول من العام 2007 التحق بجامعة الحسين بن طلال أستاذا مشاركا في قسم الهندسة الكيميائية وتم ترقيته الى رتبة الأستاذية في عام 2011 . عمل عميدا لكلية هندسة التعدين والبيئة (2008-2009) ثم عميدا مؤسسا لكلية الهندسة (2009-2013) حيث تم توسيع الكلية واستحداث تخصصات جديدة لتشمل 6 أقسام أكاديمية بدلا من 3 وإنشاء دائرة المشاغل الهندسية بأحدث المقاييس العالمية وتجهيز عدد كبير من المختبرات العلمية. وبعد عودته من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من إجازة التفرغ العلمي تم تكليفه رئيسا لمجلس مركز الطاقة المتجددة  في الجامعة .
للأستاذ الدكتور مروان بطيحة نشاط بحثي في مجالات الهندسة الكيميائية حيث نشر ما يزيد عن ثلاثين بحثا علميا في مجالات عالمية متخصصة ومعتمدة والتي كانت ثمرة مشاريع علمية مدعومة أوروبيا ووطنيا بمبلغ حوالي 200 الف دينار أردني تم الحصول عليها وإنجازها. 
حصل ا.د. مروان بطيحة على منحة فولبرايت الأمريكية وجائزة الزمالة العربية للباحثين العرب المتميزين من الصندوق العربي للتنمية / الكويت ليقضي إجازة التفرغ العلمي في جامعة رايس / هيوستن / الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (2013-2014) . 
منح جائزة أفضل بحث علمي منشور في قطاع العلوم الهندسية من صندوق دعم البحث العلمي لعام  2014 . 

- نمذجة ، محاكاة ، ايجاد الحالة المثلى والتحكم بالتفاعلات والمفاعلات الكيميائية
- امتصاص وامتزاز غاز ثاني أكسيد الكبريت في المحاليل المائية والمعادن الطبيعية والمطورة 
- معالجة المياة الصناعية 
- الحركيات المحوسبة 

Hybrid precipitation-nanofiltration treatment of effluent pond water from phosphoric acid industry
  • Research Summary
  • Wastewater generated from phosphoric acid industry poses a real environmental challenge. This water contains valuable components the utilization of which can contribute to the conservation of natural resources. Water sample from an effluent pond of a phosphoric acid plant was collected and characterized for its physical and chemical properties. The collected samples were subjected to a hybrid process of chemical precipitation followed by nanofiltration. Both sulphate and fluoride ions were separated by precipitation using Ca(OH)2. Silicon exhibited complex behaviour during the precipitation stage. The observed flux using the different tested membranes (NF90, NF270, and BW30) indicated the success of the pre-treatment method in preventing heavy fouling. Very high rejections were obtained using the NF90 and BW30 membranes and, generally, the rejection increased with pressure. As expected, higher flux and lower rejections were observed with NF270 for Si and H3PO4 species. At a pressure of 20 bar the rejection increased with feed concentration which can be attributed to Donnan effects. It is concluded that NF270 could be potentially applied to separate PA from the rest of the species present in water. However, the main challenge is the low rejection of Si.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Phosphoric acidFlourosilicic acidIndustrial wastewaterChemical precipitationNanofiltrationHybrid water treatment process
Theoretical Derivation for Reaction Rate Constants of H abstraction from thiophenol by the H/O Radical Pool
  • Research Summary
  • Reaction and activation energy barriers are calculated for the H abstraction reactions (C6H5SH + X• → C6H5S + XH, X = H, OH and HO2) at the BB1K/GTLarge level of theory. The corresponding reactions with H2S and CH3SH are also investigated using the G3B3 and CBS-QB3 methods in order to demonstrate the accuracy of BB1K functional in finding activation barriers for hydrogen atom transfer reactions. Arrhenius parameters for the title reactions are fitted in the temperature range of 300 K–2000 K. The calculated reaction enthalpies are in good agreement with their corresponding experimental reaction enthalpies. It is found that H abstraction by OH radicals from the thiophenol molecule proceed in a much slower rate in reference to the analogous phenol molecule. ΔfHo298 of thiophenoxy radical is calculated to be 63.3 kcal/mol. Kinetic parameters presented herein should be useful in describing the decomposition rate of thiophenol; i.e., one of the major aromatic sulfur carriers, at high temperatures.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Oil shale, Thiophenol, BB1K functional, Reaction rate constant
Effect of Pyridine and Tribenzylamine on the Hydrolysis Kinetics of Benzoyl Chloride in Water-Dioxane System
  • Research Summary
  • The aim of this paper was to study the effect of tribenzylamine and pyridine on the kinetics of the hydrolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride in water-dioxane solution. The benzoyl chloride and water initial concentrations were 0.005 and 1 mol/L, respectively. While, the initial concentrations of pyridine and tribenzylamine varied in the range of 0.005-0.02 mol/L and 0.007-0.014 mol/L, respectively. It was found that the addition of tribenzylamine to benzoyl chloride hydrolysis reaction has no catalytic effect and hence the rate constant can be calculated using a first-order rate equation. In the presence of pyridine, reaction obeyed second-order rate. The relationship between the reaction rate constant and pyridine initial concentration was found to be linear with a rate constant of 0.752 × 10–3 min–1.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Benzoyl chloride, Hydrolysis kinetics, Tertiary amines, Tribenzylamine, Water-dioxane solutions.
Theoretical Study on the Reaction of the Phenoxy Radical with O2, OH and NO2
  • Research Summary
  • Unlike the chemistry underlying the self‐coupling of phenoxy (C6H5O) radicals, there are very limited kinetics data at elevated temperatures for the reaction of the phenoxy radical with other species. In this study, we investigate the addition reactions of O2, OH, and NO2 to the phenoxy radical. The formation of a phenoxy‐peroxy is found to be very slow with a rate constant fitted to k = 1.31 × 10−20T2.49 exp (−9300/T) cm3/mol/s in the temperature range of (298–2,000 K) where the addition occurs predominantly at the ortho site. Our rate constant is in line with the consensus of opinions in the literature pointing to the observation of no discernible reaction between the oxygen molecule and the resonance‐stabilized phenoxy radical. Addition of OH at the ortho and para sites of the phenoxy radical is found to afford adducts with sizable well depths of 59.8 and 56.0 kcal/mol, respectively. The phenoxy‐NO2 bonds are found to be among the weakest known phenoxy‐radical bonds (1.7–8.7 kcal/mol). OH‐ and O2‐initiated mechanisms for the degradation of atmospheric phenoxy appear to be negligible and the fate of atmospheric phenoxy is found to be controlled by its reaction with NO2
  • Research link
  • key words
    phenoxy radicals O 2 OH NO 2 rate constant atmospheric life time DFT
Sulfur Dioxide Removal using Natural Zeolitic Tuff
  • Research Summary
  • Adsorption of SO2 onto Jordanian zeolitic tuff (ZT) was examined in this work. ZT samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, BET and TGA analyses. The sorption process was carried out in a fixed bed column at different operating conditions. The unique measuring technique, namely UIC sulfur coulometer, for SO2 measurement was adopted in this work. Uptake of SO2 by ZT was found to increase with increasing temperature up to a temperature of 200 °C and then decrease at higher temperatures. It was also found that drying of ZT, by conventional and microwave heating has a considerable effect on SO2 uptake and breakthrough time. Experimental data for adsorption isotherms were obtained and found to follow the BET isotherm model. It was found that the adsorption process is exothermic in nature. Thermal pre-treatment was found to affect the adsorption capacity and breakthrough time of ZT. The maximum adsorption capacity was obtained after thermal pretreatment of ZT at a temperature of 200 °C, which could be linked to the effect of heating on the destruction of crystal structure of phillipsite, the crystal refinement of chabazite, and the formation of new aluminosilicate crystalline phases. ZT can be regenerated and the initial adsorption capacity was preserved after three regeneration cycles.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Zeolitic tuffSulfur dioxideAdsorptionPhillipsiteThermal pretreatmentRegeneration
Generalization of the MAFRAM Methodology for Semi-Volatile Organic Agro-Chemicals
  • Research Summary
  • A wide variety of semi-volatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) are still in use in agricultural practices. A proper understanding of the environmental fate and ecotoxicological risk associated with these compounds can aid decision making, particularly regarding product registration and licensing. The aim of this paper is to expand the use of a previously developed Multimedia Agricultural Fate and Risk Assessment Model (MAFRAM) to SVOCs by adopting the fugacity concept as a second criterion to the existing MAFRAM partitioning criterion (i.e., aquivalence). Volatilization processes from surface compartments into the atmosphere were also included. For example, the application of the generalized model was illustrated using an average annual application rate of 4.48 kg/ha of chlorpyrifos over a typical homogeneous region. Chlorpyrifos emissions were assumed to take place in three environmental compartments (i.e., soil, air, and aboveground plants) with fractions of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6, respectively. The trends seen in the modeling results were in good agreement with the existing experimental data. Validation issues in MAFRAM were also discussed. Comprehensive experimental validation is unattainable because of the large scale of the areas covered, the lack of boundaries for the system considered, and the uncertainty in the input parameters.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Environmental fate prediction Ecotoxicological risk assessment Multimedia model Semi-volatile organic chemicals Model validation problems
SO2 adsorption onto zeolitic tuff and its thermal regeneration
  • Research Summary
  • Oil shale combustion is a promising option for Jordanian oil shale utilization. Restrictions on the exploitation and utilization of this resource are partly due to the high sulfur content of the oil shale, which leads to production of large quantities of sulfur dioxide during combustion. Mitigation of sulfur dioxide prior effluent gas release is important for maintaining air quality and preventing several environmental problems, e.g. acid rain. A number of effluent gas desulfurization techniques are available. These can be broadly classified into four categories: absorption of SO2 in liquids, absorption by moist particles, gas phase conversion of SO2, and sorption by solids. Solid-phase sorption has been examined in this study for SO2 removal during oil shale combustion using Jordanian zeolitic tuff
  • Research link
  • key words
    Oil Shale, Zeolite, thermal regeneration
Theoretical Study on the Reaction of Hydrogen atoms with Aniline
  • Research Summary
  • The reaction of aniline with hydrogen atom is investigated herein using the hybrid meta-DFT functional of BB1 K. Hydrogen atom is found to preferentially add at an ortho position. However, the fate of the o-(C6H5NH2)H adduct is found to be solely the deactivation of the initial addition channel. The rate constant for the abstraction channel (C6H5NH2 + H → C6H5NH + H2) is fitted by the expression 1.10 × 10−11 exp(−4,200/T) cm3 molecule−1 s−1. Our calculated rate constant for the abstraction channel agrees very well with the available experimental measurements. Satisfactory agreement is found between calculated and experimental measurements for the displacement channel (C6H5NH2 + H → C6H6 + NH2). Our detailed analysis for the corresponding displacements in toluene and phenol suggests that the three systems exhibit similar behavior with regard to the relative importance of abstraction and displacement channels.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Aniline Hybrid meta-DFT Reaction rate constant Abstraction vs. displacement H atoms
Precipitation Treatment of Effluent Acidic Wastewater from Phosphate-containing Fertilizer Industry: Characterization of Solid and Liquid Products
  • Research Summary
  • The effluent ponds from phosphoric acid and fertilizer industries are a worldwide problem. Wastewater in these ponds contains high concentration of acids and heavy metals that seriously contaminates the environment and underground water. On the other hand, it contains valuable components such as phosphoric acid, fluorine and flousilicic acid. In this work, wastewater samples from effluent pond of the Indo Jordan Chemicals (IJC) plant were collected. These samples were characterized for their pH, and chemical composition. The pH of pond water was found to be about 0.8 due to its high content of HF, H2SiF6 and H3PO4. Potentiometric titration, chloride and fluoride ion selective electrodes and other acid base titration methods were employed to determine the content of the above acids. AAS was also used to determine the content of heavy metals in this waste water. Potentiometric titration curves were produced to determine the optimum neutralization conditions for several synthetic mixtures made from the above acids, and for real effluent wastewater. XRD, XRF and SEM analyses were employed for analysis of the products of calcium hydroxide neutralizations. It was found that fluorine is present in effluent pond water in two forms: HF and H2SiF6. Precipitation experiments revealed that the reaction of H2SiF6 with Ca(OH)2 yielded only CaF2 with no CaSiF6. Furthermore, it was found that it is possible to separate sulfate in an initial precipitation stage. Additionally, it is possible to remove almost all fluoride in the form of CaF2 leaving at least 60% of H3PO4 in water. Amorphous silica could be removed by aging the solution after fluoride removal.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Phosphoric acidIndustrial wastewaterCalcium fluorideFlousilicic acid
Sintering Behaviour of Jordanian oil shale under the conditions of Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems
  • Research Summary
  • Oil shale in Jordan and elsewhere faces many obstacles that hinder its utilisation. Recent developments of the utilization of Jordanian oil shale include the establishment of power generation companies that depend on the technology of atmospheric fluidized bed combustion systems (FBC). Sintering is believed to have been the main cause of many operational problems of FBC systems. This work investigates the sintering propensity of ash obtained from oil shale from Jordania’s largest oil shale deposit El-Lajjun, when combusted at different temperatures, as well as major mineral transformations as a function of temperature. The results obtained by the pressure drop sintering technique showed that the sintering temperature is a strong function of the combustion temperature. Two regions of sintering were found: a low temperature sintering region and a high sintering temperature region. The low sintering temperature region starts at around 700 °C where it is believed to be due to the sintering of limestone. On the other hand, the high sintering temperature region, which starts at 900 °C, is believed to be due to the sintering of the wollastonite formed. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images and Brunauer–Emmett–Telle (BET) measurements confirm these findings
  • Research link
  • key words
    oil shale ash, sintering, pressure drop sintering, FBC
Effect of Tertiary Amines on the Hydrolysis Kinetics of Benzoyl Chloride in Water-Dioxane Solutions
  • Research Summary
  • The main object of this study was to study the effect of pyridine, 2-methyl pyridine, 3-methyl pyridine, 2,6-dimethyl pyridine, quinoline and tribenzylamine on the hydrolysis kinetics of benzoyl chloride in water-dioxane solutions. The investigation has been made by means of gas-liquid chromatography measurements. Almost equal rate constants have been determined for the hydrolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride in dioxane solutions. The catalytic effect of the studied range of tertiary amines on the hydrolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride was determined
  • Research link
  • key words
    Benzoyl chloride, Hydrolysis kinetics, Tertiary amines, Water-dioxane solutions
Effect of Reaction Conditions on the Precipitation of Sodium Hexafluorosilicate Produced from Waste Hexafluorosilicic Acid
  • Research Summary
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the optimum conditions for the precipitation of sodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) from waste hexafluorosilicic acid, an effluent from the phosphoric acid industry. Sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide were used as reactants to produce Na2SiF6. The effect of various parameters on the precipitation was investigated and includes; the molar ratio of the reactants, contact time, the temperature and the effect of seeding.The optimum reaction conditions were found to be as follows; excess sodium chloride or sodium hydroxide to hexafluorosilicic acid of 25%, contact time 40 minutes and a reaction temperature of 40°C.The reaction of hexafluorosilicic acid with an aqueous solution of sodium chloride at optimum conditions gave a maximum yield of 94.26% Na2SiF6 while the reaction of hexafluorosilicic acid with the aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide at optimum conditions gave a maximum yield of 97.3% Na2SiF6. The X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals that the only crystals present in the precipitate are Na2SiF6. Also, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis shows that the different morphology of these crystals depend on the precipitation conditions
  • Research link
  • key words
    Sodium hexafluorosilicate reaction conditions hexafluorosilicic acid fertilizer industry
MAFRAM—A new fate and risk assessment methodology for non-volatile organic chemicals
  • Research Summary
  • The main goal of this paper was to introduce an environmental fate and risk assessment methodology for comparing and establishing the general features of new and existing non-volatile organic chemicals (NVOCs) used in agricultural activities, based on simple and readily available properties. This methodology is a computer program called the multimedia agricultural fate and risk assessment model (MAFRAM). This model is a combination of the EQC-2V model, which describes the fate of NVOCs, with the ecological relative risk (EcoRR) approach, which assesses the ecotoxicological risk to agro-ecosystems. MAFRAM divides the agricultural environment into two main zones, which are the on- and off-farm zones. Each zone is subdivided into six compartments, including the air, water, soil, sediment, aboveground plants, and roots. The required input data are the chemical–physical properties of the pesticide, biota data, and environmental properties. The MAFRAM output includes the inter-compartmental transport and transfer rates, the primary loss mechanisms, chemical concentration, amount, residence time, and the rank of risk in each compartment. In addition, it can provide several secondary results. The MAFRAM application was illustrated using typical homogenous region properties and was run with an illustrative emission rate of 1 kg/h into air, using spinosad as a case study.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Agro-ecosystemChemical comparing and rankingEnvironmental fateRisk assessmentNVOCs
Removal of sulfur dioxide by a Slurry of Jordanian Oil Shale Ash
Modification and Characterization of Jordanian Kaolinite: Application for Lead Removal from Aqueous Solutions
Modeling the Fate and Transport of Non-volatile Organic Chemicals in the Agro-ecosystem: A case Study of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
MAM – An Aquivalence-based Dynamic Mass Balance Model for the Fate of Non-Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Agricultural Environment
The Fate of Non-Volatile Organic Chemicals in The Agriculture Environment
Antiandrogenic Activity of Ruta graveolens L in Female Albino Rats
Temperature Dependence of Henry’s Law Constant of Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride in Polychlorinated Ethane Solvents
Dynamic Modelling of the Non-Catalytic Process of Ethylene Oxide Hydrolysis
Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of a Radical Chlorination Process of 1,2-Dichloroethane
Investigation of Consecutive-Parallel Reactions in the Non-Catalytic Process of Ethylene Oxide Hydrolysis
Optimization of the Radical Chlorination Process of 1,2-Dichloroethane
Modelling and Simulation of a Radical Chlorination Process of 1, 2-Dichloroethane
Catalytic Effect of Coordinating Solvents on the Acylation Reaction Kinetics of Aniline with μ Carbonic Acid Monochloroanhydride in toluene
Kinetics of the Dissolution Process of Sulfur Dioxide in Water
Optimization of the Radical Chlorination Process of 1,2-Dichloroethane
Modelling and Simulation of a Radical Chlorination Process of 1, 2-Dichloroethane
Antiandrogenic Activity of Ruta graveolens L in Female Albino Rats
Temperature Dependence of Henry’s Law Constant of Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride in Polychlorinated Ethane Solvents
Dynamic Modelling of the Non-Catalytic Process of Ethylene Oxide Hydrolysis
Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of a Radical Chlorination Process of 1,2-Dichloroethane
Investigation of Consecutive-Parallel Reactions in the Non-Catalytic Process of Ethylene Oxide Hydrolysis
Hybrid precipitation-nanofiltration treatment of effluent pond water from phosphoric acid industry
  • Research Summary
  • Wastewater generated from phosphoric acid industry poses a real environmental challenge. This water contains valuable components the utilization of which can contribute to the conservation of natural resources. Water sample from an effluent pond of a phosphoric acid plant was collected and characterized for its physical and chemical properties. The collected samples were subjected to a hybrid process of chemical precipitation followed by nanofiltration. Both sulphate and fluoride ions were separated by precipitation using Ca(OH)2. Silicon exhibited complex behaviour during the precipitation stage. The observed flux using the different tested membranes (NF90, NF270, and BW30) indicated the success of the pre-treatment method in preventing heavy fouling. Very high rejections were obtained using the NF90 and BW30 membranes and, generally, the rejection increased with pressure. As expected, higher flux and lower rejections were observed with NF270 for Si and H3PO4 species. At a pressure of 20 bar the rejection increased with feed concentration which can be attributed to Donnan effects. It is concluded that NF270 could be potentially applied to separate PA from the rest of the species present in water. However, the main challenge is the low rejection of Si.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Phosphoric acidFlourosilicic acidIndustrial wastewaterChemical precipitationNanofiltrationHybrid water treatment process
Modification and Characterization of Jordanian Kaolinite: Application for Lead Removal from Aqueous Solutions
Modeling the Fate and Transport of Non-volatile Organic Chemicals in the Agro-ecosystem: A case Study of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
MAM – An Aquivalence-based Dynamic Mass Balance Model for the Fate of Non-Volatile Organic Chemicals in the Agricultural Environment
The Fate of Non-Volatile Organic Chemicals in The Agriculture Environment
Effect of Pyridine and Tribenzylamine on the Hydrolysis Kinetics of Benzoyl Chloride in Water-Dioxane System
  • Research Summary
  • The aim of this paper was to study the effect of tribenzylamine and pyridine on the kinetics of the hydrolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride in water-dioxane solution. The benzoyl chloride and water initial concentrations were 0.005 and 1 mol/L, respectively. While, the initial concentrations of pyridine and tribenzylamine varied in the range of 0.005-0.02 mol/L and 0.007-0.014 mol/L, respectively. It was found that the addition of tribenzylamine to benzoyl chloride hydrolysis reaction has no catalytic effect and hence the rate constant can be calculated using a first-order rate equation. In the presence of pyridine, reaction obeyed second-order rate. The relationship between the reaction rate constant and pyridine initial concentration was found to be linear with a rate constant of 0.752 × 10–3 min–1.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Benzoyl chloride, Hydrolysis kinetics, Tertiary amines, Tribenzylamine, Water-dioxane solutions.
Theoretical Derivation for Reaction Rate Constants of H abstraction from thiophenol by the H/O Radical Pool
  • Research Summary
  • Reaction and activation energy barriers are calculated for the H abstraction reactions (C6H5SH + X• → C6H5S + XH, X = H, OH and HO2) at the BB1K/GTLarge level of theory. The corresponding reactions with H2S and CH3SH are also investigated using the G3B3 and CBS-QB3 methods in order to demonstrate the accuracy of BB1K functional in finding activation barriers for hydrogen atom transfer reactions. Arrhenius parameters for the title reactions are fitted in the temperature range of 300 K–2000 K. The calculated reaction enthalpies are in good agreement with their corresponding experimental reaction enthalpies. It is found that H abstraction by OH radicals from the thiophenol molecule proceed in a much slower rate in reference to the analogous phenol molecule. ΔfHo298 of thiophenoxy radical is calculated to be 63.3 kcal/mol. Kinetic parameters presented herein should be useful in describing the decomposition rate of thiophenol; i.e., one of the major aromatic sulfur carriers, at high temperatures.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Oil shale, Thiophenol, BB1K functional, Reaction rate constant
Theoretical Study on the Reaction of the Phenoxy Radical with O2, OH and NO2
  • Research Summary
  • Unlike the chemistry underlying the self‐coupling of phenoxy (C6H5O) radicals, there are very limited kinetics data at elevated temperatures for the reaction of the phenoxy radical with other species. In this study, we investigate the addition reactions of O2, OH, and NO2 to the phenoxy radical. The formation of a phenoxy‐peroxy is found to be very slow with a rate constant fitted to k = 1.31 × 10−20T2.49 exp (−9300/T) cm3/mol/s in the temperature range of (298–2,000 K) where the addition occurs predominantly at the ortho site. Our rate constant is in line with the consensus of opinions in the literature pointing to the observation of no discernible reaction between the oxygen molecule and the resonance‐stabilized phenoxy radical. Addition of OH at the ortho and para sites of the phenoxy radical is found to afford adducts with sizable well depths of 59.8 and 56.0 kcal/mol, respectively. The phenoxy‐NO2 bonds are found to be among the weakest known phenoxy‐radical bonds (1.7–8.7 kcal/mol). OH‐ and O2‐initiated mechanisms for the degradation of atmospheric phenoxy appear to be negligible and the fate of atmospheric phenoxy is found to be controlled by its reaction with NO2
  • Research link
  • key words
    phenoxy radicals O 2 OH NO 2 rate constant atmospheric life time DFT
Sulfur Dioxide Removal using Natural Zeolitic Tuff
  • Research Summary
  • Adsorption of SO2 onto Jordanian zeolitic tuff (ZT) was examined in this work. ZT samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, BET and TGA analyses. The sorption process was carried out in a fixed bed column at different operating conditions. The unique measuring technique, namely UIC sulfur coulometer, for SO2 measurement was adopted in this work. Uptake of SO2 by ZT was found to increase with increasing temperature up to a temperature of 200 °C and then decrease at higher temperatures. It was also found that drying of ZT, by conventional and microwave heating has a considerable effect on SO2 uptake and breakthrough time. Experimental data for adsorption isotherms were obtained and found to follow the BET isotherm model. It was found that the adsorption process is exothermic in nature. Thermal pre-treatment was found to affect the adsorption capacity and breakthrough time of ZT. The maximum adsorption capacity was obtained after thermal pretreatment of ZT at a temperature of 200 °C, which could be linked to the effect of heating on the destruction of crystal structure of phillipsite, the crystal refinement of chabazite, and the formation of new aluminosilicate crystalline phases. ZT can be regenerated and the initial adsorption capacity was preserved after three regeneration cycles.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Zeolitic tuffSulfur dioxideAdsorptionPhillipsiteThermal pretreatmentRegeneration
Generalization of the MAFRAM Methodology for Semi-Volatile Organic Agro-Chemicals
  • Research Summary
  • A wide variety of semi-volatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) are still in use in agricultural practices. A proper understanding of the environmental fate and ecotoxicological risk associated with these compounds can aid decision making, particularly regarding product registration and licensing. The aim of this paper is to expand the use of a previously developed Multimedia Agricultural Fate and Risk Assessment Model (MAFRAM) to SVOCs by adopting the fugacity concept as a second criterion to the existing MAFRAM partitioning criterion (i.e., aquivalence). Volatilization processes from surface compartments into the atmosphere were also included. For example, the application of the generalized model was illustrated using an average annual application rate of 4.48 kg/ha of chlorpyrifos over a typical homogeneous region. Chlorpyrifos emissions were assumed to take place in three environmental compartments (i.e., soil, air, and aboveground plants) with fractions of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6, respectively. The trends seen in the modeling results were in good agreement with the existing experimental data. Validation issues in MAFRAM were also discussed. Comprehensive experimental validation is unattainable because of the large scale of the areas covered, the lack of boundaries for the system considered, and the uncertainty in the input parameters.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Environmental fate prediction Ecotoxicological risk assessment Multimedia model Semi-volatile organic chemicals Model validation problems
SO2 adsorption onto zeolitic tuff and its thermal regeneration
  • Research Summary
  • Oil shale combustion is a promising option for Jordanian oil shale utilization. Restrictions on the exploitation and utilization of this resource are partly due to the high sulfur content of the oil shale, which leads to production of large quantities of sulfur dioxide during combustion. Mitigation of sulfur dioxide prior effluent gas release is important for maintaining air quality and preventing several environmental problems, e.g. acid rain. A number of effluent gas desulfurization techniques are available. These can be broadly classified into four categories: absorption of SO2 in liquids, absorption by moist particles, gas phase conversion of SO2, and sorption by solids. Solid-phase sorption has been examined in this study for SO2 removal during oil shale combustion using Jordanian zeolitic tuff
  • Research link
  • key words
    Oil Shale, Zeolite, thermal regeneration
Theoretical Study on the Reaction of Hydrogen atoms with Aniline
  • Research Summary
  • The reaction of aniline with hydrogen atom is investigated herein using the hybrid meta-DFT functional of BB1 K. Hydrogen atom is found to preferentially add at an ortho position. However, the fate of the o-(C6H5NH2)H adduct is found to be solely the deactivation of the initial addition channel. The rate constant for the abstraction channel (C6H5NH2 + H → C6H5NH + H2) is fitted by the expression 1.10 × 10−11 exp(−4,200/T) cm3 molecule−1 s−1. Our calculated rate constant for the abstraction channel agrees very well with the available experimental measurements. Satisfactory agreement is found between calculated and experimental measurements for the displacement channel (C6H5NH2 + H → C6H6 + NH2). Our detailed analysis for the corresponding displacements in toluene and phenol suggests that the three systems exhibit similar behavior with regard to the relative importance of abstraction and displacement channels.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Aniline Hybrid meta-DFT Reaction rate constant Abstraction vs. displacement H atoms
Precipitation Treatment of Effluent Acidic Wastewater from Phosphate-containing Fertilizer Industry: Characterization of Solid and Liquid Products
  • Research Summary
  • The effluent ponds from phosphoric acid and fertilizer industries are a worldwide problem. Wastewater in these ponds contains high concentration of acids and heavy metals that seriously contaminates the environment and underground water. On the other hand, it contains valuable components such as phosphoric acid, fluorine and flousilicic acid. In this work, wastewater samples from effluent pond of the Indo Jordan Chemicals (IJC) plant were collected. These samples were characterized for their pH, and chemical composition. The pH of pond water was found to be about 0.8 due to its high content of HF, H2SiF6 and H3PO4. Potentiometric titration, chloride and fluoride ion selective electrodes and other acid base titration methods were employed to determine the content of the above acids. AAS was also used to determine the content of heavy metals in this waste water. Potentiometric titration curves were produced to determine the optimum neutralization conditions for several synthetic mixtures made from the above acids, and for real effluent wastewater. XRD, XRF and SEM analyses were employed for analysis of the products of calcium hydroxide neutralizations. It was found that fluorine is present in effluent pond water in two forms: HF and H2SiF6. Precipitation experiments revealed that the reaction of H2SiF6 with Ca(OH)2 yielded only CaF2 with no CaSiF6. Furthermore, it was found that it is possible to separate sulfate in an initial precipitation stage. Additionally, it is possible to remove almost all fluoride in the form of CaF2 leaving at least 60% of H3PO4 in water. Amorphous silica could be removed by aging the solution after fluoride removal.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Phosphoric acidIndustrial wastewaterCalcium fluorideFlousilicic acid
Sintering Behaviour of Jordanian oil shale under the conditions of Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems
  • Research Summary
  • Oil shale in Jordan and elsewhere faces many obstacles that hinder its utilisation. Recent developments of the utilization of Jordanian oil shale include the establishment of power generation companies that depend on the technology of atmospheric fluidized bed combustion systems (FBC). Sintering is believed to have been the main cause of many operational problems of FBC systems. This work investigates the sintering propensity of ash obtained from oil shale from Jordania’s largest oil shale deposit El-Lajjun, when combusted at different temperatures, as well as major mineral transformations as a function of temperature. The results obtained by the pressure drop sintering technique showed that the sintering temperature is a strong function of the combustion temperature. Two regions of sintering were found: a low temperature sintering region and a high sintering temperature region. The low sintering temperature region starts at around 700 °C where it is believed to be due to the sintering of limestone. On the other hand, the high sintering temperature region, which starts at 900 °C, is believed to be due to the sintering of the wollastonite formed. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images and Brunauer–Emmett–Telle (BET) measurements confirm these findings
  • Research link
  • key words
    oil shale ash, sintering, pressure drop sintering, FBC
Effect of Tertiary Amines on the Hydrolysis Kinetics of Benzoyl Chloride in Water-Dioxane Solutions
  • Research Summary
  • The main object of this study was to study the effect of pyridine, 2-methyl pyridine, 3-methyl pyridine, 2,6-dimethyl pyridine, quinoline and tribenzylamine on the hydrolysis kinetics of benzoyl chloride in water-dioxane solutions. The investigation has been made by means of gas-liquid chromatography measurements. Almost equal rate constants have been determined for the hydrolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride in dioxane solutions. The catalytic effect of the studied range of tertiary amines on the hydrolysis reaction of benzoyl chloride was determined
  • Research link
  • key words
    Benzoyl chloride, Hydrolysis kinetics, Tertiary amines, Water-dioxane solutions
MAFRAM—A new fate and risk assessment methodology for non-volatile organic chemicals
  • Research Summary
  • The main goal of this paper was to introduce an environmental fate and risk assessment methodology for comparing and establishing the general features of new and existing non-volatile organic chemicals (NVOCs) used in agricultural activities, based on simple and readily available properties. This methodology is a computer program called the multimedia agricultural fate and risk assessment model (MAFRAM). This model is a combination of the EQC-2V model, which describes the fate of NVOCs, with the ecological relative risk (EcoRR) approach, which assesses the ecotoxicological risk to agro-ecosystems. MAFRAM divides the agricultural environment into two main zones, which are the on- and off-farm zones. Each zone is subdivided into six compartments, including the air, water, soil, sediment, aboveground plants, and roots. The required input data are the chemical–physical properties of the pesticide, biota data, and environmental properties. The MAFRAM output includes the inter-compartmental transport and transfer rates, the primary loss mechanisms, chemical concentration, amount, residence time, and the rank of risk in each compartment. In addition, it can provide several secondary results. The MAFRAM application was illustrated using typical homogenous region properties and was run with an illustrative emission rate of 1 kg/h into air, using spinosad as a case study.
  • Research link
  • key words
    Agro-ecosystemChemical comparing and rankingEnvironmental fateRisk assessmentNVOCs
Removal of sulfur dioxide by a Slurry of Jordanian Oil Shale Ash
Effect of Reaction Conditions on the Precipitation of Sodium Hexafluorosilicate Produced from Waste Hexafluorosilicic Acid
  • Research Summary
  • The purpose of the study is to investigate the optimum conditions for the precipitation of sodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) from waste hexafluorosilicic acid, an effluent from the phosphoric acid industry. Sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide were used as reactants to produce Na2SiF6. The effect of various parameters on the precipitation was investigated and includes; the molar ratio of the reactants, contact time, the temperature and the effect of seeding.The optimum reaction conditions were found to be as follows; excess sodium chloride or sodium hydroxide to hexafluorosilicic acid of 25%, contact time 40 minutes and a reaction temperature of 40°C.The reaction of hexafluorosilicic acid with an aqueous solution of sodium chloride at optimum conditions gave a maximum yield of 94.26% Na2SiF6 while the reaction of hexafluorosilicic acid with the aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide at optimum conditions gave a maximum yield of 97.3% Na2SiF6. The X-Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals that the only crystals present in the precipitate are Na2SiF6. Also, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis shows that the different morphology of these crystals depend on the precipitation conditions
  • Research link
  • key words
    Sodium hexafluorosilicate reaction conditions hexafluorosilicic acid fertilizer industry
Catalytic Effect of Coordinating Solvents on the Acylation Reaction Kinetics of Aniline with μ Carbonic Acid Monochloroanhydride in toluene
Kinetics of the Dissolution Process of Sulfur Dioxide in Water


The 32th Oil Shale Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado USA. October 15-17, 2012.



1st International Conference on Desalination and Environment: A Water Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 29 October 2011 - 01 November 2011.



The 30th Oil Shale Symposium, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado USA. October 18-22, 2010.



The XIII International Scientific Conference "High Tech in Chemical Technology", Suzdal, Russia, 29 June – 2 July 2010.



The Second International Chemical Engineering Conference (CHEC 2010); University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, October 11-13, 2010.



The Euro-Jordanian Renewable Energy Conference (EJREC), Amman, Jordan, April, 1-2, 2009.



The International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, Petra, Jordan, 18-20, November 2008.



The Second Regional Conference on Environmental Modeling, Malaysia, August, 28-30, 2007



The Second International Conference on Environment, Qena, Egypt, March, 28-30, 2006.



The International Conference on Chemistry and Industry, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 11-15/2004.



The International Conference "Mathematical Methods in Chemistry &Chemical Technology". Tver, Russia, May 12-14, 1996



IV International Conference "Cybernetical Methods in Chemical Technology". Moscow, Russia, October, 21-23, 1994.


1- رئيس مجلس مركز الطاقة المتجددة في جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2016 - الآن)

                Chairman of Renewable Energy Research & development Council, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Since January 2016 till now


2- عضو اللجنة الفنية في قطاع الهندسة والنانوتكنولوجي في صندوق دعم البحث العلمي (2012-2013)

Committee member of Engineering, Nanotechnology and Supercomputer sector, Scientific Research Support Fund, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Jordan (Since May, 2012 – till May 2013)


3- عضو المجلس التأديبي الاستئنافي في جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2011-2013)

                Member of Teaching Staff Appeal Disciplinary Council / Al-Hussein Bin Talal University. (Since September, 2011 – till Sep 2013.


4- رئيس لجنة الاعتماد وضمان الجودة في كلية الهندسة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2008-2013)

                Quality assurance and accreditation Committee Chairman at the Faculty of Engineering / Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Since Sep. 2008 till Sep. 2013)


5- عضو لجنة التعيين والترقية في جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2010-2013)

                Member of Assignment & Promotion Committee, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Since September 2010 till Sep. 2013)


6- عضو مجلس العمداء في جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2008-2013)

                Member of Dean Council / Al-Hussein Bin Talal University ( Since 16/11/2008 till Sep. 2013)


7- عضو مجلس جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2008-2013)

                -Member of University Council / Al-Hussein BinM Talal University ( Since 16/11/2008 till Sep. 2013)


8- عضو مجلس مركز الطاقة المتجددة في جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2010-2013)

                Renewable Energy Research & development Council Member Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Since September 2010 till Sep. 2013)


9-عضو مجلس تطوير أعضاء جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2010-2013) و (2018-ولغاية الآن)

                Teaching Staff Developing Council Member, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Since September 2010 Sep. 2013)


10- عضو مجلس تأديب الطلبة في جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2009-2013)

                Member of Student Final Appeal Committee, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (Since September 2009 Sep. 2013)


11- رئيس اللجنة الفنية للأجهزة والمعدات كلية الهندسة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2009-2013)

                Equipment Specification Committee Chairman, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University.

 21- رئيس لجنة تحضير الاعتماد لكلية الهندسة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2008-2012)

                Faculty Accreditation Preparation Committee Chairman, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University.


13- عضو لجنة البعثات / جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2008-2010)

                Member, Scholarship Committee, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University ( Since 16/11/2008 till September 2010)


14- عضو اللجنة التحضيرية لمؤتمر الهندسة الكيميائية العالمي (2010)

                Member of Organizing Committee of the 2nd International Chemical Engineering Conference (CHEC 2010); University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, October 11-13 , 2010.


15- عضو مجلس كلية هندسة التعدين والبيئة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال (2008-2013)

                Member of Faculty Council / Faculty of Mining and Environmental Engineering/ Al-Hussein Bin Talal University ( Since 15/09/2008 till Sep. 2013)


16- عضو اللجنة التحضيرية للمؤتمر العالمي للنمذجة والمحاكاة (2008)

                Member of Organizing Committee of International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, (MS’08 Jordan), Petra, Jordan, 18-20 November 2008.


17- رئيس لجنة المطبوعات في المؤتمر العالمي للنمذجة والمحاكاة (2008)

                Head of the Publications Committee of the International Conference on Modeling & Simulation, (MS’08 Jordan), Petra, Jordan, 18-20 November, 2008.


18- عضو لجنة مناقشة رسالة ماجستير / جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا (2004)

                External Examiner of Master Thesis (student: Reem Sulaiman Marji) at Jordan University of Science and Technology (2004).


19- عضو اللجنة العلمية للموتمر الاردني السابع للكيمياء / جامعة ال البيت (2007)

                Member of Scientific Committee of Seventh Jordanian Chemistry Conference – Chemistry Department – AL al-Bayt University – 1/3/2007.  


20- عضو اللجنة العلمية للمؤتمر الثاني لطلبة البكالوريوس والماجستير / جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا (2007)

                Member of Scientific Committee of Second Jordanian Chemistry Conference for Master and Bachelor Students– Chemistry Department – Jordan University of Science and Technology – 9/5/2007.


21- عضو لجنة ترقية المعلمين في مديرية تربية وتعليم جرش (2003-2007)

                Member of Teacher’s Promotion Committee of Jerash Educational Directorate (Since 14/08/2003 till  18/09/2007)

22- عضو المجلس التأديبي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس / جامعة جرش الأهلية (2003-2006)

                Member of Teaching Staff Appeal Disciplinary Council / Jerash Private University. (Since October 18, 2003 – till Sept.17.2006).


23- عضو المجلس التأديبي لطلبة جامعة جرش الأهلية (2004-2007)

                Member of disciplinary council of students/ Jerash Private University. (Since October 19, 2004 – till 13/09/2007).


24-عضو مجلس جامعة جرش الأهلية (1998-1999)

                Member of University Council / Jerash Private University (Since 01/10/1998 To 30/09/1999)


1- جائزة أفضل بحث علمي لعام 2014 مقدمة من صندوق دعم البحث العلمي الأردني 

 Prestigious Award for Distinguished Research, Awarded by Scientific Support Fund at the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan for the publication of the article (Co-Author) titled: "Precipitation treatment of effluent acidic wastewater from phosphate-containing fertilizer industry: characterization of solid and liquid Products" published in Separation and Purification Technology, 08/2014.


2- جائزة الزمالة للباحثين المتميزين العرب والمقدمة من الصندوق العربي للتنمية في الكويت وقيمتها 72000 دولار أمريكي

  Arab Fund Fellowship Award for Distinguished Researchers, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Kuwait. One year fellowship to conduct research at Catalysis and Nanomaterials Laboratory, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA. Sep. 2013- August 2014.


3- منحة فولبرايت 

Fulbright Research Fellowship Award. Catalysis and Nanomaterials Laboratory, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA. Sep. 2013- July 2014.


4- المنحة الألمانية (DFG)

 German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). Muenster University of Applied Sciences, June-Sep. 2010, Muenster, Germany.


5- جائزة أفضل مشروع تخرج لطلبة كلية الهندسة والمقدمة من نقابة المهندسين الأردنيين

An award for supervising the best graduation project in the engineering colleges among the Jordanian Universities for the year 2008. This Award was given by the Jordanian Engineering Association.  The project was titled: "Effect of Reaction conditions on the production of sodium hexafluorosilicates" by Mohammad Shwaiter, Bassam Makahlah, Ahmad Al-Mahameed and Omar Al-Kasasbah, Winner of first place of Jordan Engineering Association competition/Chemical Engineering Section


6- دبلوما مع مرتبة الشرف الأولى (دبلوم أحمر)

Diploma with Honours (Red Diploma), Ivanovo Institute of Chemistry and Technology.


7- بعثة الحكومة الفيدرالية الروسية لدراسة الدكتوراة

Ph.D. Scholarship, Russian Ministry of Higher Education based on the Diploma with Honours.


8- بعثة وزارة التعليم العالي الأردنية لدراسة البكالوريوس حسب نتائج الثانوية العامة

B.Sc. Scholarship, Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research based on the General Secondary Examination / Scientific Stream.

1- أستاذ زائر / جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية / الأردن . 2021- Jan 2019 - Feb. 

           Visiting Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Al-Huson University College, Al-Balqa Applied University, Irbid, Jordan


2- أستاذ زائر / جامعة رايس الأمريكية / هيوستن Sep. 2013- Aug. 2014

            Visiting Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA (Sabbatical Leave)


3- أستاذ في قسم الهندسة الكيميائية في كلية الهندسة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال Sep. 2011- present 

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan


4- أستاذ مشارك في قسم الهندسة الكيميائية  / جامعة الحسين بن طلال Sep. 2007- Sep. 2011

 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan


5- أستاذ مشارك في قسم العلوم / جامعة جرش الأهلية May 2006 – Sep. 2007

Associate Professor, Department of Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture & Science, Jerash Private University, Jerash, Jordan


6- أستاذ مساعد في قسم العلوم / جامعة جرش الأهلية Oct. 1998 – May 2006

Assistant Professor, Department of Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture & Science, Jerash Private University, Jerash, Jordan


7- محاضر متفرغ في قسم العلوم / جامعة جرش الأهلية Feb. 1998– Aug. 1998

Full Time Lecturer, Department of Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture & Science, Jerash Private University, Jerash, Jordan

 8- مساعد بحث وتدريس في قسم الأتمتة الصناعية في جامعة ايفانوفا للهندسة الكيميائية Oct. 1995 – April 1997

Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Technical Cybernetics and Automation, Ivanovo State Academy of Chemistry and Technology, Ivanovo, Russia

1- عميد كلية الهندسة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال Sep. 2009- Sep. 2013

Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan

2- عميد كلية هندسة التعدين والبيئة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال Nov. 2008- Sep. 2009

Dean of Faculty of Mining and Environmental Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan

 3- نائب عميد كلية هندسة التعدين والبيئة / جامعة الحسين بن طلال Sep. 2008- Nov. 2008

Vice Dean of Faculty of Mining and Environmental Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Maan, Jordan

4- رئيس قسم العلوم في جامعة جرش الأهلية Sep. 2003 – Sep. 2006

Head of Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture & Science, Jerash Private University, Jerash, Jordan

— هندسة التفاعلات الكيميائية
— التحكم في العمليات
— ظواهر الانتقال 
— التحليل الالي
— الكيمياء الفيزيائية
— الديناميكيا الحرارية 

-هندسة التفاعلات الكيميائية 1 و 2

- ديناميكا عمليات وتحكم

- نمذجة ومحاكاة العمليات

- التحليل الالي

- تكنولوجيا الأسمدة 

- الصناعات الكيميائية

- الأحصاء والاحتمالات للمهندسين 

- منهجية البحث العلمي 

- الكيمياء العامة 

- الكيمياء الفيزيائية

- الكيمياء غير العضوية 

- مهارات الإتصال

- عمليات موحدة 

An investigation into the removal of SO2 from effluent streams: Novel approach to minimize SO2 emission from Jordanian oil shale processing plants in the future
Treatment of effluent water from phosphate-containing fertilizer industry for reuse and production of useful compounds-Phase I
Treatment of effluent water from phosphate-containing fertilizer industry for reuse and production of useful compounds-Phase II
An investigation into the removal of SO2 from effluent streams: Novel approach to minimize SO2 emission from Jordanian oil shale processing plants in the future
Treatment of effluent water from phosphate-containing fertilizer industry for reuse and production of useful compounds-Phase I
Treatment of effluent water from phosphate-containing fertilizer industry for reuse and production of useful compounds-Phase II

Academic qualifications and certificates

- الدكتوراة في الهندسة الكيميائية (هندسة التفاعلات والتحكم بالعمليات) - جامعة إيفانوفا الحكومية للكيمياء والتكنولوجيا — 1997

- الماجستير في الهندسة الكيميائية (أتمتة العمليات التكنولوجية والصناعية) ، جامعة إيفانوفا الحكومية للكيمياء والتكنولوجيا — 1993
-  البكالوريوس في  الهندسة الكيميائية ، جامعة إيفانوفا الحكومية للكيمياء والتكنولوجيا — 1992
- الثانوية العامة الأردنية - الفرع العلمي — 1987

office hours

تحدد مع بداية كل فصل دراسي دراسي