Conference Main Themes


Information Systems and e-Business:

1.    Internet of Things & Big Data.

2.    Smart Cities & Governments.

3.    Digital Technology and Business Intelligence Applications.

4.    E-commerce in the Business Environment.

5.    Business-Information Technology Project Management.

6.    E-learning.

7.    Information Security.

8.    Social Media in Business.


Economics of the Pandemic:

1.    Challenges of public budget and debt crisis facing developing countries during and after the pandemic.

2.    Sustainable development financing challenges and achieving sustainable growth in developing countries aftermath (during and after) )the pandemic,

3.    Social protection policies in labor markets of developing countries during the pandemic.

4.    Labor market short-run and long-run effects of the pandemic in developing countries, Education economics during and after the pandemic.

5.    Economic dynamics of small and medium-sized enterprises: opportunities and challenges in light of the pandemic.  


Entrepreneurship and Business Administration:

1.    Organizational learning during a pandemic.

2.    Business environment dynamics during the pandemic.

3.    Response and recovery prospects in business organizations.

4.    Human resource management and working remotely.

5.    Successful administrative models during the pandemic, challenges, opportunities, and resilience of small and medium enterprises.

6.    Strategic planning in facing crises.


Accounting and Finance Applications:

1.    Information Technology in Accounting.

2.    The Role of Accounting Standards in homogeneous Accounting.

3.    Costing systems and environment.

4.    Management Accounting Techniques and Environmental Changes.

5.    Digital Currencies and Financial Technology.

6.    Interest Rates and Exchange Rates Fluctuations.

7.    Financial and Economic Risks.

8.    Environmental Accounting and Sustainable Development.



Postgraduate Students proposals