أستاذ مشارك
د. زيد ابراهيم سليمان الشقيرات

  • السيرة الذاتية
  • التخصص: نظم المعلومات الادارية
  • الكلية: كلية ادارة الاعمال و الاقتصاد
  • القسم : قسم نظم المعلومات الإدارية
  • البريد الالكتروني: alshqa01@ahu.edu.jo

الدكتور زيد الشقيرات من مواليد الأردن عام 1967 متزوج ولديه ولدان وبنت يحمل درجة الدكتوراه في نظم المعلومات الادارية من جامعة (ليدز متروبوليتان)  في بريطانيا عام 2009 والماجستير في الادارة العامه من الجامعه الاردنية عام 1998 والبكالوريوس في الاداره العامه / ادارة اعمال من الجامعة الاردنية عام 1990


عمل الدكتور الشقيرات في وزارة العمل في الاردن من عام 1992 ولغاية 2002 في عدة وظائف كان آخرها مدير الدراسات والابحاث ثم عمل في معهد الادارة العامه كمدرب اداري من عام 2002 ولغاية 2005، وبعد حصوله على الدكتوراة، عمل في جامعة الحسين بن طلال في الاردن من عام 2009 كأستاذ مساعد ثم أستاذ مشارك في كلية ادارة الاعمال والاقتصاد ورئيساً لقسم ادارة الاعمال ثم مساعداً لعميد كلية ادارة الاعمال والاقتصاد، ومنذ عام 2014 ولغاية  عام 2017 عمل مديرا عاما لمعهد الادارة العامة في الاردن .

الدكتور زيد الشقيرات يحمل رتبة أستاذ مشارك ويعمل منذ عام 2018 كأستاذ مشارك في قسم الادارة العامة في كلية المجتمع في قطر، وله عدد من الابحاث العلمية المنشورة في المجلات العالمية المحكمة في مجال الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في الحكومة الالكترونية ونظم معلومات الموارد البشرية والتجارة الالكترونية.



Dr. Zaid Al-Shaqirat was born in Jordan in 1967, he is married and has two sons and a daughter. He holds a PhD in management information systems from Leeds Metropolitan University in UK in 2009, a master's degree in Public Administration from the University of Jordan in 1998 and a bachelor's degree in public Administration / Business Administration from the University of Jordan in 1990.

Dr. Al Shaqirat worked in the Ministry of Labor in Jordan from 1992 to 2002 in several positions, most recently the Assistant Director of Studies and Research, and then worked at the Institute of Public Administration as an administrative trainer from 2002 to 2005.

After achieving his PhD, he worked at Hussein Bin Talal University in Jordan from 2009 as Assistant professor, then associate professor in the Faculty of Business administration and economics, Head of the Business Administration Department and then assistant to the Dean of the Faculty of Business administration and Economics. From 2014 to 2017, Dr. Zaid Al Shaqirat, was assigned as Director General of the Institute of Public Administration in Jordan. Dr. AlShqairat is associate professor and works since 2018 as associate professor in the Department of Public Administration at the Community College of Qatar.




Management Information Systems

ICT Projects in Local Communities

Marketing Information Systems

Human Resource Information Systems in Jordanian Universities
  • ملخص البحث
  • The main purposes of this study are to explore the extent to which public Jordanian universities have adopted Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and to examine the current HRIS uses, benefits and barriers in these universities. A structured questionnaire was constructed based on other previous studies, it also pre-tested, modified and translated to capture data from HRIS users in Jordanian universities. The main findings of this study reveled that the quick response and access to information were the main benefits of HRIS implementation. While, the insufficient financial support; difficulty in changing the organization’s culture and lack of commitment from top managers were the main HRIS implementation barriers. The present study provides some insights into the performance and applications of HRIS in Jordanian universities that could help Human Resource Management (HRM) practitioners to get a better understanding of the current HRIS uses, benefits and problems, which in turn, will improve the effectiveness of HRIS in Jordanian universities.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    Human Resource Management, Human Resource Information systems, Jordanian universities
The Role of Partnership in E-Government Readiness: The Knowledge Stations (KSs) Initiative in Jordan
  • ملخص البحث
  • The Initiative of establishing Information Technology (IT) and Community Service Centers, later renamed Knowledge Stations (KSs) was launched in 2001. The KSs initiative is intended to implement IT in local communities (LCs) and remote areas in preparation for the E-Government process. This study develops a model that explores KSs’ role as a partnership in E-Government readiness in Jordan through answering the following two questions: why is a clearly comprehensive role of KSs needed for the readiness of E-Government in Jordan? How does this role take place practically? The research methodology is the case study that was applied to six KSs as a purposive sample in Amman, the capital of Jordan. Nine semi-structured interviews have been conducted with the director of KSs project, trainers, trainees and volunteers in the KSs project. The findings of the study showed that the role of KSs in E-Government readiness has four pillars: enhancement of community awareness in social and economic fields, development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) capabilities, lessening computer illiteracy fulfillment of comprehensive development.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    E-Government, Jordan, Knowledge Stations (KSs), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MOICT), Local Communities (LCs), Partnership
Assessing the Planning of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in E-Government Implementation Experience in Jordan
  • ملخص البحث
  • Public private partnership (PPP) is one of the main approaches that have been utilized in executing e-government program in Jordan. The main aim of this paper is to assess the adoption of PPP in the implementation of E-Government program in Jordan as one of the developing countries through assessing one stage of the three-stage model of PPP developed by (Alshqairat, 2009). This Model (3PEG) consists of three main stages; planning, implementation, and evaluation. This paper empirically tests the planning stage for PPP in the implementation of E-Government program in Jordan. The assessing planning stage addresses six dimensions of PPP: concept, justifications, requirements, the main aspects, readiness, and the strategic opportunities. Several results are reported. The findings that were supported by using
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    Public Private Partnership (PPP), E-Government, development
  • ملخص البحث
  • Knowledge Stations (KSs) have emerged as one of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) key initiatives designed to enhance the quality of life of those living in remote and local communities through improving their digital information literacy to enhance their educational and vocational wellbeing. This study aimed to fill a research gap by exploring KSs’ critical success factors (CSFs) that are vital for KSs to achieve their mission by answering the following two questions: what are KSs' CSFs?, and how can these factors enhance KSs’ role in the knowledge-based development of local communities (K-B DLC)? The findings suggested significant support for thirty-five CSFs divided into four groups related to KSs departments, KSs themselves, LCs, and Hosting Organizations (HOs). The findings also suggested significant support for ways that CSFs can enhance the services provided by knowledge stations as demonstrated via the study’s theoretical model. In addition, KSs as an ICT initiative, are integral in developing the knowledge society in Jordan, but face a range of inhibitors such as insufficient funds, the absence of trainers’ incentives, and a lack of cooperation with higher education institutions such as universities.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    Knowledge Stations; Management Information; Managerial Development, Jordan.
The Role of Partnership in E-Government Readiness: The Knowledge Stations (KSs) Initiative in Jordan
  • ملخص البحث
  • The Initiative of establishing Information Technology (IT) and Community Service Centers, later renamed Knowledge Stations (KSs) was launched in 2001. The KSs initiative is intended to implement IT in local communities (LCs) and remote areas in preparation for the E-Government process. This study develops a model that explores KSs’ role as a partnership in E-Government readiness in Jordan through answering the following two questions: why is a clearly comprehensive role of KSs needed for the readiness of E-Government in Jordan? How does this role take place practically? The research methodology is the case study that was applied to six KSs as a purposive sample in Amman, the capital of Jordan. Nine semi-structured interviews have been conducted with the director of KSs project, trainers, trainees and volunteers in the KSs project. The findings of the study showed that the role of KSs in E-Government readiness has four pillars: enhancement of community awareness in social and economic fields, development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) capabilities, lessening computer illiteracy fulfillment of comprehensive development.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    E-Government, Jordan, Knowledge Stations (KSs), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MOICT), Local Communities (LCs), Partnership
Towards Practical Model of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Implementation in E-Government in Jordan: Field Assessment*
  • ملخص البحث
  • The main aim of this study is to evaluate the adoption of Public Private Partnership (PPP) approach in E-Government programs in Jordan which is considered a developing country, by evaluating the second stage of the three-stage model of PPP developed by (Al-Shqairat, 2009). Design/methodology/approach: A mixed quantitative and qualitative research approach was adopted. Qualitative data was collected using semi structured interviews with eleven IT managers working in public organizations. Quantitative data, on the other hand, was collected using a questionnaire designed and validated for the current study. A total of 109 questionnaires were distributed to participant working in 13 different public entities. These participants were also directly involved in Public Private Partnership projects in these entities. The response rate of 56.88% percent was adequate for accuracy and the results were useful and representative of the target population. The questionnaire data was analyzed using parametric statistics including mean analysis.Findings: The main findings of this study shows significant support for the proposed implementation stage. Furthermore, the survey and the interview analysis highlighted that the benefits and obstacles are more important than any other aspect of the implementation stage. Originality/ value: This study is one of the few studies that attempted to propose and validate an empirical model of PPP Implementation in E-Government projects that could be adopted by governments while planning for a successful PPP approach in implementing E-Government initiatives in specific or an ICT related projects.
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    Public Private Partnership (PPP) implementation; E-Government; Jordan; Public Sector, Private Sector, PPP forms, PPP mechanisms.
An Exploratory Investigation of Consumers’ Perceptions of the Risks of Online Shopping in Jordan
  • ملخص البحث
  • Purpose: The current research seeks to identify the most relevant dimensions of risk perceived by online shopping customers in Jordan, by identifying risk dimensions cited in the literature and testing empirically their relative importance to such customers. Design: A self-administered questionnaire was completed by a random stratified sample of adults. The response rate of 62.5% was adequate to ensure that the survey results were accurate, useful, and representative of the target population. The data were analyzed using parametric statistics including means analysis, factor analysis, and the t-test. Findings: The participants perceived functional and financial risks most strongly, while social risk was the lowest ranked dimension. Furthermore, previous experience and future intention to use were significantly correlated with the strength of participants’ perceptions of each category of online shopping risks. Limitations/Implications: A practical implication of this study is the possibility that the findings will provide insight regarding consumers’ perceptions of online shopping risks, and help businesses to pinpoint the risks of greatest concern to customers. Originality: This study is one of
  • رابط البحث
  • الكلمات المفتاحية
    Jordan, perceived risk, perceived risk dimensions, online shopping, consumers’ risk perception

·         Al-Shqairat, Zaid Ibrahim, AL Shra’ah, Ata E, Al-rawad, Mahmaod Ibrahim & Al-Kilani, Mohammad Hani. (2013), "Assessing the Planning of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in E-Government Implementation Experience in Jordan", EMU-SSEM Euro Conference 2013, "International Conference on Business, Economics, and Finance", Society for the Study of Emerging Markets & Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, 11-13 May, http://esec.emu.edu.tr/index.php/en/call-for-paper.

Al-Shqairat, Zaid Ibrahim & Al-Shqairat, Mohammad Ibrahim. (2018), "The Role of Knowledge Stations in the development of National Awareness in Jordan for their Beneficiaries", The Fourth International Economic Conference, Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity, Amman. 21.4.2018.

19 October, 2014 – 23 October, 2014

Introduction to Electoral Administration Workshop-Independent Election Commission / Jordan

1st February, 2007 – 15th February 2008

ECDL Course – Leeds Metropolitan University / UK

2 June, 2002 – 6 June, 2002

Workshop for Training of Trainers working with Youth – National Institute for Training in cooperation with UNICEF.

12 May, 2002 – 21 May, 2002

Administrative Rehabilitation Program - Public Relations – National Institute for Training.

7 April, 2002 – 18 April, 2002

Computer Comprehensive Course – National Institute for Training.

17 March, 2002 – 21 March 2002

Description Statistics Course – Department of General Statistics.

23 July, 2001 – 26 July, 2001

The Administrative Leader & Challenges of the 21st Century.


27 Nov., 1999 – 25 March, 2000

Chairman of Media Department in the Ministry of Labour.

24 Oct., 1992 – 26 Nov., 1999

Labour Inspector in the Ministry of Labour.

September, 2010 – September, 2011

·         Representative for College of Business Administration and Economics in Al-Hussein bin Talal University Council

1 November, 2012 – 20 March, 2013

Member of the Central Committee for  First  Electoral District  of  Maan Governorate / Independent Election Commission


6th  November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Vice president of Directory Committee for Institute of Public Administration

6th  November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Vice president for Central Committee of training and scholarships

6th  November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Member in Management Council King Abdullah the second for preparing, rehabilitation and training the (Duah)

1st   January, 2016 –  Until now

Member in the Economic Committeefor the Jordanian Association for Scientific Research & Preparatory Committee for the Third& Fourth International Economics Conference, Amman, Jordan.

1st   January, 2017 –  Until now

Member in the Jordanian Association for Scientific Research

27 August, 2018 –  Until now

Associate Professor in the Public Administration Department  / Community College of Qatar in the following courses:

  • Management Information Systems
  • E-Business Management
  • Organizational Theory
  • Research Methods for Public Administration
  • Organizational Communication
  • Introduction to Public Administration
  • Talent Acquisition and Management
  • Senior Project in Public Administration
  • Public Relations in the Public Sector
  • Ethics in the Public Sector
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Planning and Budgeting
  • Organizational Leadership

24 February, 2016 – Until now

Associate Professor in the College of Business Administration and Economics / Al-Hussein bin Talal University

19 July, 2009 – 23 February, 2016

Assistant Professor in the College of Business Administration and Economics / Al-Hussein bin Talal University in the following courses:

  • Principles of Management Information Systems
  • E-Commerce
  • E-Government
  • E-Management
  • Marketing Information Systems
  • Office Automation
  • Scientific Research Methodology
  • Production Information Systems
  • Management and Office Technology
  • Knowledge Management
  • Technological Innovation Management
  • Senior Project in MIS

9 November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Director  General  for Institute of Public Administration  / Jordan

17 September, 2013 – 8 November, 2014

Head of Business Administration  Department / College of Business Administration and Economics / Al-Hussein bin Talal University


September, 2011 – September, 2012

·         Dean Assistant for the College of Business Administration and Economics / Al-Hussein bin Talal University

31 March, 2002- 20 January, 2005

Administrative Trainer in the National Institute for Training- Amman in the following subjects:

·         Communication Skills, emphasizing on administrative communication skills.

·         Skill for Dealing with Others.

·         Skills for Administrating Time & Meetings.

·         Public Relations & Media.

·         Planning and Organizing Work.

·         Skills for Presentations.

·         Skills for Preparing Reports & Memos.

·         Providing Outstanding Service.

15 July, 2001- 30 March, 2002

Studies and Research Director Assistant in the Ministry of Labour.

26 March, 2000 – 14 July, 2001

Chairman of Administrative Control Department in the Ministry of Labour.

27 Nov., 1999 – 25 March, 2000

Chairman of Media Department in the Ministry of Labour.

24 Oct., 1992 – 26 Nov., 1999

Labour Inspector in the Ministry of Labour.

September, 2010 – September, 2011

·         Representative for College of Business Administration and Economics in Al-Hussein bin Talal University Council

1 November, 2012 – 20 March, 2013

Member of the Central Committee for  First  Electoral District  of  Maan Governorate / Independent Election Commission


6th  November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Vice president of Directory Committee for Institute of Public Administration

6th  November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Vice president for Central Committee of training and scholarships

6th  November, 2014 – 31 July, 2017

Member in Management Council King Abdullah the second for preparing, rehabilitation and training the (Duah)

1st   January, 2016 –  Until now

Member in the Economic Committeefor the Jordanian Association for Scientific Research&Preparatory Committee for the Third& Fourth International Economics Conference, Amman, Jordan.

1st   January, 2017 –  Until now

Member in the Jordanian Association for Scientific Research

Director  General  for Institute of Public Administration  / Jordan

17 September, 2013 – 8 November, 2014

Head of Business Administration  Department / College of Business Administration and Economics / Al-Hussein bin Talal University


September, 2011 – September, 2012

·         Dean Assistant for the College of Business Administration and Economics / Al-Hussein bin Talal University

31 March, 2002- 20 January, 2005

Administrative Trainer in the National Institute for Training- Amman in the following subjects:

·         Communication Skills, emphasizing on administrative communication skills.

·         Skill for Dealing with Others.

·         Skills for Administrating Time & Meetings.

·         Public Relations & Media.

·         Planning and Organizing Work.

·         Skills for Presentations.

·         Skills for Preparing Reports & Memos.

·         Providing Outstanding Service.

15 July, 2001- 30 March, 2002

Studies and Research Director Assistant in the Ministry of Labour.

26 March, 2000 – 14 July, 2001

Chairman of Administrative Control Department in the Ministry of Labour.

Management Information Systems
Public Administration

Management Information Systems
Marketing Information Systems
Office Automation
Production Information Systems
Management and Office Technology
Knowledge Management
Technological Innovation Management
Senior Project in MIS
E-Business Management
Organizational Theory
Research Methods for Public Administration
Organizational Communication
Introduction to Public Administration
Talent Acquisition and Management
Senior Project in Public Administration
Public Relations in the Public Sector
Ethics in the Public Sector
Compensation and benefits
Planning and Budgeting
Organizational Leadership

    “Assessing Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model in E-government Implementation in Jordan: Case Study of Jordanian Governmental Entities”
      يسعى هذا المشروع إلى تقييم تطبيق نموذج الشراكة في برامج الحكومة الالكترونية في المؤسسات الحكومية الأردنية من خلال تقييم تطبيق جوانب الشراكة الثلاثة عشر التالية: 1. مفهوم الشراكة من حيث وجهات النظر المختلفة في تعريف دور الشراكة في تطبيق الحكومة الإلكترونية 2. مبررات الشراكة كالحاجة للتكامل بين القطاعين العام والخاص في تبادل المنافع وتحمل المخاطر المتوقعة من تنفيذ برامج الحكومة الالكترونية. 3. متطلبات الشراكة كتطوير القوانين وقبول مبدأ المشاركة في العوائد وقبول مبدأ تحمل المخاطر. 4 . الاستعداد للشراكة والذي يتضمن وجهتي نظر: الأولى ترى أن الشراكة مازالت غير ناضجة في الأردن والثانية ترى أن الشراكة ناضجة ومستمرة في التطور. 5. جوانب الشراكة كالتدريب والاستشارات والبنية التحتية 6. الأبعاد الإستراتيجية للشراكة من حيث جوانب الضعف وجوانب القوة والفرص والتحديات 7. أشكال الشراكة حيث أن برنامج الحكومة الالكترونية في الأردن ركز فقط على تنفيذ مشاريعه من قبل طرف ثالث ((Outsourcing، ولم يتم تبني أي شكل من أشكال الشراكة الأخرى. 8. حقول الشراكة كالتمويل وصناعة القرارات وتطوير السياسات وحل المشكلات والخدمات المشتركة وإدارة نظم تكنولوجيا المعلومات وتبادل المعلومات والمشاريع الالكترونية. 9. فوائد الشراكة كحصول القطاع الحكومي على التمويل لمشاريعه وخبرات جديدة وتطوير قدرات الموارد البشرية وتحقيق كفاءة الكلفة وتمكين القطاع الخاص من تطوير قدراته خصوصا تلك المتعلقة بتكنولوجيا الاتصالات والمعلومات. 10. معيقات الشراكة كضعف التشريعات والأنظمة في القطاع العام كالنظام المالي الحكومي وغياب التنسيق بين المؤسسات الحكومية وفجوة التطور بين القطاعين العام والخاص ومشكلة قيادة المشاريع المشتركة. 11. آليات الشراكة كاللجان وإدارة المخاطر وتبادل الفوائد والاتفاقيات ومذكرات التفاهم وخطط العمل المشتركة. 12. نجاح الشراكة ومدى تحققه من خلال شفافية العمليات في مشاريع الشراكة وتضمنها فرصاً متساوية للقطاعات الخاصة وشروطاً متساوية لكل الشركاء. 13.تطوير دور الشراكة وتحققه من خلال تعزيز الثقة بين الشركاء ودعم موازنات المؤسسات الحكومية وتطوير آليات الشراكة وتفعيل الخطط والإستراتيجيات الوطنية التي تشجع التعاون بين القطاعين العام والخاص.

    المؤهلات العلمية و الشهادات

    2005 – 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK 

    PhD in Management Information Systems (MIS) 

    Thesis title: "Understanding the Role of Public Private Partnership (PPP) in E-Government Implementation in Developing Countries: Case Study of Jordan" 

    1995 – 1998 University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan 

    (MPA)Master of Public Administration

    1986 –1990 University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

    (BPA) Bachelor of Public Administration


    ShobakSecondary School, Shobak, Jordan

    General Secondary Certificate – Scientific branch

    الساعات المكتبية